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you have, I don't, you give, I have, you don't.
Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm going to be moving to either Teck Whye or Bukit Panjang area soon, I'm not very keen of those two areas, cause I love Yew Tee, it has everything I want in it. But I'm glad I can finally get the hell out of my current place.

I need to start with my homework..
But like really no time, when I got time, I still feel so busy.

. . .
This holiday is worst than normal school days.

Jammed on 3:09 PM

Raise your hands in the aiirrr.

Heya. Just reporting how awesome the past few days have been for me.
The past 3 days have been the cosbt Radical Conference.
3 days of awesomeness.
Really awesome.
its over.

But great things I have learned from it.
The pastors were all awesome.
Awesomely funny as well.

Really glad I attended all 3 days, they were all totally awesome in their own ways.

Today, we had dinner at michelle's house, we ordered Pizzas and bought drinks and stuff, was awesome, everything was. It was fun, everyone was cheerful and chit-chatting, joking around etc. etc. except Mun ho, who was playing PSP -> Minesweeper -> PSP, anti-social. >_> no lah, joking.

Loved everything I learned.
Making sure my chapter in God's book is awesome.


Jammed on 12:06 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When I look at pictures of myself just less than a year old, I can tell how much I've changed, and grown XD I grew almost 4cm in the past term. Which was i think 2-3 months?

I highlighted all the lessons I have during the so called "June Holidays" and there isn't a single day in the first 2 weeks and last week, which I dont have to come to school.


That sucks peanuts.

I can't wait for so many things now, like..
-Starting 'O' Levels
-Getting over with 'O' Levels
-Anticipating 'O' Level Results
-YI Camp '09
-All the Youth impact End of Year events
-TWSS Prom Night
-Class Chalet
-Getting a job (Hopefully..)
-Dyeing my hair / Streaking my hair / covering my head in extensions
-Spending the money I got from the job which I hopefully got
-Getting back 'O' Level Results
-Entering Digital Media Design (Games) : Planning to register for direct admission this june.
-Laughing out Loud!
-Buying new laptop for poly
-Getting Tattoo of Hitler on my right leg (JOKING)
-Making new friends in Poly
-Meeting up with everyones in secondary school now and reminiscing about the ol' days.

Right now all I have to look forward to every week is..
-Being bored
-My average 5 hours of sleep a day
-Friday to play basketball with my brother
-Saturday to go to church
-Sunday to slack

And 3 out of 6 of those things suck D: peanuts.

Hawhaw. NUUUU.

Jammed on 7:45 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Heya. I didn't hear until today morning that Victor got injured rollerskating.
It seemed tragic. poor guy.
His broke his arm.

A lot of us went to visit him today. Was surprisingly very party-ish.
I thought he'd be more sad, but glad to see he was still smiling.
Sad thing is that he won't skate anymore, hes gonna sell his rollerskates after 3 days of using it.

I smsed him.

"Yo victor want mentos?"

He replied.

"Lol why so random?"

I said.

"Lol I buying mentos."

When I reach.

"Haha just now he so random, ask me whether i want mentos"

Then i take out mentos.

"What flavour you want."



Yes, it was just to brighten the mood, but everyone seemed happy enough.


After that, everyone cept' victor went go see people play arcade games, they played daytona, we ate dinner, went home.

Fun day :)

Jammed on 8:31 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blogging after quite awhile. Got bored during Mid Year Exam period. What was I supposed to blog about?

"My tests was so exciting zomGz!111!!"

Actually, it was quite fun. Cause everyday can go home early and then can finally gauge fairly where I stand in terms of studies. My results came out fairly good.

E-Math - A1
Combined Science - A1 (Should be)
POA - A2
A-Math - C5 (Should be)
Combined Humans - C6
English - B4
Basic Chinese - Better than usual, maybe D7, most likely still F9

But heck care! Prelims then talk.
I can imagine my Parents Teacher Conference.

"Rory does not pay as much attention in class as he could! He seems to be in a world of his own at times. When hes dozing off, teachers would have to give him surprise questions to stun him, but apparently, he always know what is going on... and he gives us good results. Students who study 3 to 4 times more than him are falling behind him, and don't perform as well as your son. As such, please encourage Rory to keep it up."

that would be so bloody awesome.
I told like 2 of my teachers that, they both got like "=.=" face.

Oh, yesterday, we went skating, a lot of people.
Fahmy, victor, liang, changteck, weili, humphrey, aaron-aka.victor brother, boonchong and me.
I think thats all?

Rollerskaters - Victor, Liang, Changteck, Aaron
Skateboarders - Fahmy, Humphrey, me.
Cycler - BC
Do everything other people do - weili

My board sucks, so after 'O' levels if i still feel like playing i'll buy a new one.

Jammed on 9:52 AM

100th Post!
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Congratulations to my blog for it having its first ever 100th post!
I never expected to blog a hundred times in half a year :P But here I am.

Today was pretty darn awesome.
Didn't have cellgroup anniversary celebration this week cause we weren't prepared enough.
So we'll be having it next week. Good news for those who didn't make it today :)

Today's sermon was about Greed.
I don't know if I can be considered greedy at all.
Unless you mean hunger. Lol.


Body aching.


Good night :)

Jammed on 11:45 PM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today was fun. Definitely.
Todays sermon was titled "Heart Attack". Was a meaningful sermon by Ps Daniel.
Everything afterwards was fun too, smallgroup, p&w, dinner and being, and eating icecream with shannon, yijun and people from like every other cellgroup? Lol.

Went to cut my hair today (Head hair) and now its too short.
But can wait for it to grow.
After 'O' Level, I decide to tie a tail lol, but short one.

Jammed on 11:06 PM